Author Archives: alanp

How to Get Arrested in Kenya (part 1 of 4)

I arrived in Nairobi dressed for Moscow. Literally. When I left the States the second time at 21 I had in my pocket an Around-the-World ticket which put me in Russia visiting the family of Eugene Ostashevsky, one of my closest friends, after a brief visit back to Europe. Kenya was the last stop of […]

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Meeting Norman, my houseboy (part 2 of 4)


Some background on Lamu.Lamu is an island located off the coast of Kenya. It is a one of the first Swahili towns in Kenya- dating back to the 1500s, and, because of its placement on Arabian trade routes, it is primarily Muslim. The population when I was there was around 12,000. Lamu Town is a […]

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Fleeing Lamu, a wanted person (part 4 of 4)


The gendarmerie arrived! In this case, three very large African men dressed in khaki military uniforms- head to toe, boots to hats. They knocked loudly on my door. I crossed the courtyard to open it. “You have been served,” I was told and one thrust a paper into my hand. It seemed my former houseboy, […]

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My First Studio, 23 years old


Random shots of my first studio when I was 23 years old…sadly I don’t have any photos of the actual work area (since the voyeur in me finds work spaces really cool). These are mostly shots of the living room where the kiln was. The “bedroom” was the converted work area- covered in clay scraps, […]

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In the Beginning…


My name is Dylan Kendall. I grew up in several states and went to schools that encouraged a lot of creative thinking. When I was 17, a year after moving to Los Angeles and after graduating high school early, my parents thought it best if I put my energies into more productive activities then staying […]

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The First Beginning


I started making things with clay when I was 22 years old. I had just moved to Los Angeles with a French writer I met in Kenya where I had been living for six months. He wanted to come to Los Angeles for the entertainment industry and since I was a fugitive from the Kenyan […]

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